A sweet young thing dropped by my house the other morning. I could see from the box…

…she was carrying that she was delivering the festive gifts from Anthony & Nica Plus…

He did the same thing not only for Chinese New Year last year but for other auspicious occasions as well like the Mooncake Festival, for instance.

Inside the box, there were two packets of these marinated lamb chops…

…and two of these…

I remember I did mention in my review then that the kambing perap istimewa was really good and if one were to go and buy just one of the very wide selection, this would be the best choice!

Anthony also gave me what they call their “Rolling Fortune Set” that costs RM258.00! Gasp!!! It includes their curry chicken…

…beef rendang

daging masak hitam

…and a new addition this year, their yogurt lamb curry…

I certainly am looking forward to trying the latter!

Thank you so much, Anthony and everybody at Nica Plus! Here’s wishing you all a Happy, Healthy & Bountifully Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!

In the meantime, my ex-student, Dr. Toh, also dropped by my house to give me these peanuts…

…and these canned ones…

…as well. I went and googled and found out that in the Chinese culture, peanuts symbolise vitality, longevity, riches and honour, the unshelled ones, in particular.

Dr. Toh and his wife are the people actively involved in helping the special people at the Agape Centre and he enlisted my help in editing the books they are publishing for those special children. Of course I was only too glad to be able to lend a hand in some small way – “Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.  And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:45-46)

Dr. Toh also gave me these kuaci (melon seeds), black and white…

…as well as the flower (chrysanthemum) seeds…

A BIG thank you to you too, Teck Hock and your missus for the auspicious gifts. Wishing you and all your loved ones endless successes, good health and lots of wealth in the Rabbit Year!

NICA+ or NICA PLUS (2.296883,111.825859)…

…as it is called, is located on the ground floor of the block of shops, the first one to the right of the Old Sing Kwong Supermarket (Kin Orient Plaza) along Jalan Tun Abang Hj Openg.

Author: suituapui

Ancient relic but very young at heart. Enjoys food and cooking…and travelling and being with friends. View all posts by suituapui

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