This is not a viagra commercial. Merely the writer being ecstatic that she got the book through publication on Amazon, WITHOUT having to prove she’s really herself by drawing blood and sacrificing Hamsters.

This is the last of the re-issues of Darkship. From here on, it’s all new.

And barring major disaster (please no major disaster!) they’re coming.


The World Can’t Be Made Safe….

But it doesn’t mean Athena Hera Sinistra isn’t ready to try.

Flying back to Earth Orbit from her asteroid home, leaving behind unresolved questions and turmoil, Athena becomes a new mother in orbit.

As is perhaps fitting, her daughter is born during battle with an unknown foe.

A battle that ends with Kit – Athena’s husband – missing, and Athena’s ship damaged.

So Athena names her daughter Eris, and goes to war.

What follows is a non-stop fight by a very angry mother, who wishes to make the world(s) safe for her newborn daughter, and other children too.

When the adventure is over, it is just the start of another, where children will be rescued, old tyrants brought to justice, and freedom restored.

If it can be.

It’s lying about the paperback and hardcover, but it will come through shortly, probably.
Post in an hour or so.

Writing it.

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