
not sure what’s hardest to believe. The weather in the UK today, the fact it’s the 1st of April tomorrow, or that it’s been 7 years since I left behind my corporate existence. 7 years. Wow.

Anyway, a lot has happened in that time. I guess, if you happened to be interested, you could work back through these blog posts, Instagram feeds, and facebook posts to find out more but, I hope you have something WAY more interesting to do.

(Do feel free to buy a copy of my book ‘Adventures In Happiness’ though. It’s a true story of travel, change, and adventure, which continues to sell internationally).

But, back to this post…I’ll just say doors seem to be closing and opening at the same time.

I had plans to move to the east of the UK but they’ve been scuppered. Then, within the space of a week of that decision being made, another opportunity presented itself and I’m working through the logistics of it happening. Exciting!

But for this post, I really wanted to focus on what’s been happening in the world of landscaping.

It’s been great! Literally, off to a flying start, and I know I’ve posted this before but it does go to show what happens when you put efforts and energies into things you believe in happening. (I guess that counts for good and bad…where focus goes, energy flows…)

There’s been a mix of bigger projects which have come through recommendations, plus a few smaller ‘fill in’ softer landscaping jobs which I equally enjoy.

I feel I’m learning a lot, helping people with their gardens, getting chance to use my (small) engineering brain, all whilst working outdoors. The flip side is, it’s very tiring work (but also rewarding).

In case you happened to be interested, I’ve included a few project photos below. There’s also a link to my facebook page, and a link back to my website. Let me know if you see anything you like. Many more will be coming soon – but currently projects that are work in progress…

And, onwards into spring. I’m looking forward to mixing landscaping in with kitesurfing, surfing, standup paddle boarding, outdoor adventures, and maybe even a little cultural travel…

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