Another week of hot (for the UK) weather with no rain and added stress to plants, shrubs and trees. There’s now also talk of hosepipe bans to add to the fun. Sigh. Well, let’s do Six on Saturday. Six things, in the garden, on a Saturday. Could be anything, you decide!

Here are my Six…

1 – Hibiscus ‘Marina’. I saw many hibiscus in flower when I was in France, cursing the fact that I was probably missing prime flowering season on my one and only hibiscus shrub. Sure enough there were many spent blooms when I got back, and it was suffering from the lack of water. It is still trying to produce some flowers though, can’t fault it for trying. This one isn’t fully open – I’m not sure it it’s coming or going.

2 – The green green grass of home. Without the all important green. “Straw” is the dominant colour round these parts. There are rumours of downpours next week, which would revive things (after flattening them I expect) but I shan’t hold my breath.

3 – Aster frikartii ‘Monch’. Underwhelming this year to aforementioned dryness. Still, putting on a bit of a show.

4. Telekia seed heads. Desperate for some evidence of interest, I’m leaning once more on the telekia.

5. Nasturtium. Every year I complain a bit about this taking over the boarder and setting seeds for its inevitable return, but it’s hard to get to cross with it. I will eventually pull it all out.

6 – Eurybia divaricata, white wood aster. Seems to be coping well in the shade.

Those are my Six, what are yours? If you’d like to take part, just publish your post and pop a link to it in the comments below. If you also mention my blog in yours, that would be splendid. For more details you can read the brief participant guide.

I hope you have a productive gardening weekend!

I’ll be be back next time for another #SixOnSaturday.

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