
15 Replies to “Take a hot shower and be comfortable in the campervan……”

  1. Is there ever a time these stupid campervans are not in the rain? Each of these videos show how they help handle that environment. Perhaps just perhaps you can show it in the snow or at a beach or in the mountains?? 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. 많이 즐기세여,, 고생도 젊어서 누릴수 있는거니까요😌,, 그러다 10년쯤 지나면 가만히 있어도 삶 자체가 고단해 질꺼에여 ,,,갈 길은 아주 멀어여 천천히 쉬엄쉬엄 해도 누가 대신해서 당신몫의 고생 안 가져가여🙃 왜냐면,,, 고단함의 끝에는 외로움이란 개떡 같은게 또,,,,😔 기다리고 있거든요😮‍💨 많이 부럽습니다🥺😥😭 홧팅!!

  3. This is bull💩it’s not even raining or thunderstorm but the soundtrack sounds like there is lol! the sounds of heavy rainfall💦 🌧& the sparks of lightning🌩⚡️but where? ?& then she lay down on bed & play up with her cp during thunderstorm? genius🧠🤣🤣🤣

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