
Part 25 in our #scrummaster #interviewquestions series where John McFadyen answers some of the more common questions asked of scrum masters and #agilecoaches in interviews and client engagements. #scrum is built on the value proposition of achieving twice the work in half the time. A value proposition that suggests high-performance without explicitly stating it. The dilemma for a #scrummaster, especially when dealing with leaders and individuals outside of the #scrumteam, is that doing twice the work in half the time is not the purpose of #agile. If the work you are producing isn’t great and doesn’t deliver value to customers, there’s no point in doing twice the amount of work in half the time. That’s productivity rather than high-performance. In this short video, John McFadyen walks us through the primary ways in which a #scrummaster can help to create a high performance team environment and why that is important. If you are interested in becoming an agile coach and value mentored, coach-driven skills development in your journey to mastery, visit our Growing Scrum Masters page on If you like the idea of becoming a scrum master and want to achieve internationally recognised and certified accreditation as a scrum master, visit our Certified Scrum Master (CSM) course page on If you are already a scrum master and want to upskill to a more advanced level of knowledge and agile coaching capability, visit our Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM) course page on If you have several years’ experience as a scrum master and want to validate and certify your professional skills, visit our Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master (CSP-SM) course page on For more information on John McFadyen, connect with John on LinkedIn at #agile #agilecoach #agilecoaching #agileprojectmanagement #agileproductdevelopment #agility #businessagility #scrum #scrummaster #scrumtraining #scrumcertification #scrumalliance #agilecentre #johnmcfadyen #coach #coaching #certifiedscrummaster

2 Replies to “What are the primary ways in which a scrum master ensures a high performance team?”

  1. 💯, care enough to build those relationships especially in the early stages, then trust will follow automatically.

    1. Absolutely, Vivienne, we can’t have trust without a relationship, so why not start as soon as you can?

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