Gold’s Rise as Freedoms Decline—The New Centralized Normal

The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Egon von Greyerz

In a discussion with Tom Bodrovics of Palisades Gold Radio, Matterhorn Asset Management principal Matthew Piepenburg discusses the various threads of historical cycles, political psychology and the hard math of cancerous global debt to make better sense of uniquely challenging times.

Gold’s Rise as Freedoms Decline—The New Centralized Normal - BullionBuzz - Nick's Top Six
An abstract staircase and gray colored doors, orange colored one is open and a man going in, symbolizing choice concept. ( 3d render )

Piepenburg addresses the realities facing investors in a climate of increasing centralization and political controls masquerading as humanitarian progress or technological innovations. From the failed premise of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset to central bank digital currencies (CBDC), history confirms that broke nations do desperate things.

Whenever a debt crisis becomes unsustainable, unrest in financial, social and currency systems always follow. Then comes increased centralization from the extreme political left or right.

The growing weaponization of science, regulatory agencies, state-department diplomacy and media platforms coupled with the decline of civil liberties, personal choice/opinions, intelligent public debate and a credible Fourth Estate are all symptoms of this trend.

These patterns of centralization, including the powers of global central banks, portend a future where discredited monetary policies and toxic debt levels leading to stagflation and currency destruction are everywhere.

Policy makers and financial leaders indulge in false narratives to centralize their own powers. This includes everything from the transitory inflation lie, the CBDC “good news” and the redefining of recessions to the disastrous Covid response and the deification of Zelensky as an Eastern George Washington as Ukraine burns.

In the end, of course, comes gold, a far more honest and freedom-insuring asset than the leaders of an increasingly less-free world.

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