In thi s week of Hour-A-Day Gardening . . .
Join in our 100 days, 100 hour gardening challenge and be entered in a raffle for prizes. Follow along by checking out the hashtag: #100days100hourgardeningchallenge.

It Is Too Hot

It hit 90 deg. F this week and was in the 80s for much of the week. To be clear, this is the second week of May! I am already regretting my complaints about cool, wet weather. It is, however, conducive to working outside, and the deep mulch helped keep my plants watered and the soil cooler.

Weeding Wheat

If you look closely at the two images, you’ll see green between the rows in the first one, and brown in the second. By planting my wheat in 8-in rows, I can easily weed between them. This kills nutrient- and moisture-robbing weeds and helps my wheat harvest later in the season.

Water Infrastructure

Each spring I lay out the hoses and water lines to the sprinklers. I also built an outdoor prep sink for cleaning vegetables using scrap materials and a salvaged sink. With the hot weather, we already had to start watering emerging sprouts.

Weeds are already emerging

The honeymoon period is over. Weeds have begun to emerge, so I begin the never-ending task. The heavy mulch does weaken the weeds, as they have to push through the extra covering.

Volunteers and Support

We’re always looking for volunteers. If you want to spend a few hours in a garden (and take home something yummy for your trouble), reach out to us at [email protected]. It can be regular or sporadic as you have time.

We’re also asking those who get something out of reading our site, watching our videos, and listening to our podcast to join the community of supporters of the institute by throwing us a few bucks a month on Patreon. If you’re in a position to help us out, a little goes a long way. Thanks for considering it.

The Data

Here’s the breakdown day by day. This week, I worked 10:30, maintaining my average of 55 minutes a day. I’ll likely get over an hour a day by the end of May and then things slow down.

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