
Should you buy physical silver and gold? In my short seven years as a silver stacker, investing in silver and gold bars, I’ve come to realize that while collecting precious metals is fun and cool, it’s one of the stupidest investments I’ve ever made. Not only did I get screwed by a “reputable” gold dealer on my very first transaction, but I’ve come to realize that storing and transporting precious metals is more of a hassle than the investment is worth. There are far better ways to buy precious metals, and if you are worried about having to transfer wealth discretely across borders like Jewish people had to during World War Two, well it’s 2021 and Bitcoin has you covered for that (I am not recommending you break any laws!) Silver stacking is quite simply a thing of the past unless you are doing it as a hobby. The are far better ways in 2021 to make silver and gold investments. The presenter has taken great care in preparing this video, however makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The contents of this video should not be considered a substitute for professional financial advice. Please consult a financial professional before implementing any of the strategies described in this video. The presenter shall not be held liable for any loss of profit or any other financial damages, including but not limited to special, consequential, incidental, or other damages.

20 Replies to “Why You Shouldn’t Buy Physical Gold And Silver”

  1. The only way to play silver and gold are the slv and gld. Premiums are a rip off and when you want to sell you get low balled. ETF easy in easy out. Holding it when shift won’t do you any good. If it’s that hard to sell.

    1. Then you don’t actually own it and it does you no good unless you have internet access.
      If the zombies invade, you can use it to barter with other people.
      Can’t do that with ETF’s.

    2. you cant eat it. Barter shtf they will rob you. You buy they win, coin dealers. You sell tgey win. Its a losing prposition.

    3. What an ignoramus john is. if you don’t hold it then you don’t own it. typical moron listening to this whingy video. shut the hell up you blingwad!
      fiat is trash you imbecile. i bet you’re praying for a CBDC.. what a clown / loser this john crace is… you idiot you.

  2. What a waste of time. Never said why one bar was less than the other. Wait until Biden devalues the dollar.

  3. “I don’t think this is what’s going to save anyone when the economy goes to hell in a hand basket” Doesn’t give a single reason for that theory…. 🤣 I think I’ll just keep my physical assets…

  4. im sorry but not to have gold in your hand and in someone elses is madness im a conspiracy nut now becouse i want gold in my possession and no one elses lol

  5. You sound like a man who trusts this system and our gov’t,,I dont so Ill keep my physical gold thank you though. When the govt forced everyone to sell their gold back to them its gone forever and the ones who didnt sell it back became rich. Its like depending on your debit card to work during a crisis.

  6. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. In a time of economic peril, governments and bank do seize bank accounts and whatever gold paper one supposedly owns. But if I actually have the gold in my possession, I am secure. I trust me over any government or bank, especially when times get dark…which I am convinced will happen soon.

  7. this sounds more like an education problem rather than something being wrong with buying physical gold and silver. It’s a great investment generally – just do your homework first. The point of precious metals isn’t to play it like the stock market or even foreign currency exchange – – the point is to physically have in your possession a universally accepted form of currency that will always have value as your last line of defense if all the rest of your investments took a dump, the economy crashes or there is a massive eruption of the civil structure. Don’t be stupid about it- don’t make it a primary investment – but if you have a few thousand invested in it – and it’s in your physical possession, if you ever do need to rely on it its almost guaranteed to be worth WAY more than what you initially paid for it – and even if that never happens, it’s still almost guaranteed to be worth way more than you initially paid for it when you cash it back out when you’re ready to retire or stop caring about emergency plans.

  8. I’m sure there are long term stackers in here but in my experience over the past 12 – 14 years has been this. Gold if bought at around the lowest would have doubled. However, I’m the last 10 years or so it’s dipped and hovered around the same. You won’t lose money but you won’t gain too much either.

    Silver on the other hand went up to about $50 an ounce then went to a low of about $12 and now back to about $24. You need to pick a price point and stick with it. I would never get into digital gold and silver. Physical is always better UNLESS you’re going short term.

  9. Precious metals are 100% better than cash.

    CASH IS WORTHLESS. Look at any USD bill and what does it read? “Federal Reserve Note”, and anyone who holds those own them back to the Federal Reserve at a interest rate that they make up out of thin air…

    Silver is the most undervalued asset and is in high demand for the Green New Deal. You pay the premiums now and reap the ROI in the years to come.

    Study the DJI/gold ratio and the gold/silver ratio charts… I believe we’ll see gold flip the Dow Jones in our lifetime…

  10. Buying as an investment is indeed stupid.. Gold and silver is financial insurance.. nothing more. You have house insurance, car insurance and health insurance.. You Need financial insurance….If you think your money is FDIC insured think again. Find out for yourself how FDIC really works… I buy Gold and I hope I dont need to use it, But things are getting sketchy and the government wants to go digital and cashless. I want a little insurance if things dont work out…

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