Almost al l indoor growers want bigger yields for less money. The larger your production, the higher your profits.

According to this article, we will introduce 5 simple ways for you to increase the yields.

  • Increase the light intensity
  • Nutrients
  • Proper Topping
  • Control the temperature &humidity
  • Time to harvest

1, Increase the light intensity

We all learned this in grade school. Plants need light to grow indoors. But there’s more to it than that. Your plants take direction from the light they receive.  The way to ensure bigger yields is to increase the light intensity during the flowering stage.

If you’re not using variable spectrum lighting, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to maximize yields.

More Intense Light = Larger Plants & Fatter Buds = Bigger Yields(

More blue and white light for the vegetative stage, and more red light for the flowering stage.

You can check our previous blog on how to choose the right led grow light?

If you are an experienced grower, also reached the point in your grow room where light is at the highest intensity it could possibly be, you can also try adding CO2. CO2 assists marijuana plants in absorbing light, and so adding it at the right time can also increase your yield.

Attention: Adding CO2 to the grow room does not directly increase yields. CO2 only increases the amount of energy your plants can produce under very high-intensity light levels. If plants have not maxed out on light, adding more CO2 will not increase yields.

NOTE: Too much CO2 is dangerous to humans at these high levels, so be careful to protect yourself.

2, Nutrients (Balance N,P,K)

nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)

As an indoor grower, your goal is to give your plants the right amount of nutrients at the right time. There are two main life stages for indoor plants (vegetative stage and flowering stage). Each stage has different nutrient requirements. Too much may cause a nutrient burn.

A key balance to get right in between the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in your fertilizer. During the vegetative stage, there should be high nitrogen, medium phosphorus, and high potassium levels. During the flowering stage, there should be low nitrogen, medium-to-high phosphorus, and high potassium. It’s also possible to use certain Epsom salts to provide sulfur and magnesium for the plant’s health.

3, Proper Topping

Topping: Cutting the top off of your plant.

Topping is a type of pruning done during the vegetative cycle. When you top your plants, you cut off new growth just above the node site. It may seem counterintuitive when your goal is higher yields. In reality, topping instructs to plant to focus less on growing the main stalk and more on nurturing the offshoots. Your plant then redirects growth hormones to the smaller branches, and you wind up with a bushier shape overall and, oddly enough, two new branches to replace the one you cut off.

How to Topping?

4, Control the temperature & humidity 

5, Time to harvest

For most strains of plants, there is a 2-3 week window during which buds can be harvested. If you harvest your buds too early, you risk losing up to 25% of growth. If you harvest too late, you risk losing some of the potency of your buds as the trichomes’ content begins to deteriorate.

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