
THE PEOPLE VS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM 💬TEXT ME: 314-207-4482💬 🔴URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS🔔 🔴SUBSCRIBE ➤ ______________________________ SAY HI TO ME ON SOCIAL ▶INSTAGRAM: @Prince_Ea ▶FACEBOOK: Prince EA ▶TWITTER: @princeea BOOK REFERENCES. If you are interested in learning more on the subject I would suggest a few books to get started 1) Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto 2) Creative Schools by Ken Robinson 3) I Love Learning; I Hate School by Susan D Blum 4) The One World SchoolHouse by Salman Khan Check out the audio only version here: How do YOU think we can create a better future for learning. Go here and share your thoughts on the topic! Music by:

Filmed and Edited by Directed By Joel Bergvall and Joe Lombardi ( Awesome Animation and Graphics By Hodja Berlev ( Casting and Assistant Production By: Spencer Sharp ( Join My Motivational List and get Exclusive Videos, Discounts and Updates

23 Replies to “I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM (2023)”

    1. Education is knowledge and school is a living hell that cant leave any child in peace without ruining their mindset

  1. See, there’s things that you could learn in school, and some teachers make that learning easier while others make it harder. Some classes are better than others because they can teach you other things such as culinary and economics while others you really won’t need unless you need it in your job.
    That’s what school is for, they prepare you for jobs, except they don’t know which job you want, so they force you to take all of them. That’s what needs to change, they force you to take all of the classes when you should be able to choose them.
    Sorry for the long comment lol

    1. One thing that really reaches out to me is the fact that he says that schools are forcing fish to climb trees, which makes sense, schools are forcing the fish, or students, to climb trees, or climb the ranks of classes.

  2. Schools should teach more people about making money rather than learning stuff that most people won’t use in their lives. If they did that than we wouldn’t have to go to school half the time we do as a regular year of school

  3. Very NIce 👍🏽.
    Where does the real problem lie when seeking to impact positive change within the edu system? Does it start with consulting the eduction board within your region?

  4. I lost my faith in school. I used to enjoy learning on my basic school. Now i have grown older and now in high school. I stopped loving the subject i loved the most because we are forced to learn it and not have the free will of learning it. And about now i broke out of the system, i learned understanding things and not learn. I have never felt stress since. And than they said: maybe it is good to have stress sometimes. After hearing this my faith was gone. Understanding things is easy for me but not for everyone so i help them to break free to. I hope everyone does the same.

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