“The 6th Circuit ruling confirmed my client’s right to challenge a court order, which may have been obtained through abuses of judicial processes,” said Dr. Saghafi’s attorney Chuck Longo in a telephone interview. “The decision will have far reaching negative implications for guardians and lawyers who improperly use guardianships as criminal enterprises to defraud the elderly and incompetent, which is a violation of the RICO statute.”


“Defendants APRIL PARKS, MARK SIMMONS, and GARY NEAL TAYLOR, did on or between December 21, 2011 and July 6, 2016, then and there, within Clark County, Nevada, knowingly, willfully and feloniously, while employed by or associated with an enterprise, conduct or participate either directly or indirectly, in racketeering activity through the affairs of said enterprise, and/or in the affairs of the enterprise through racketeering activity, did engage in said acts, to wit: by Defendants working for A Private Professional Guardian, LLC using their position to steal funds belonging to elderly and disabled persons over whom they had guardianship authority, through the use of a series of fraudulent billing practices, said activity constituting Racketeering contrary to NRS 207.400 (1)(c)(2).

KTNV 13 Las Vegas: The guardian is guilty: April Parks, others plead guilty in guardianship abuse case

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) //www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/content/rico-act.html


Racketeering in Boston Probate? //www.stopprobatefraud.com/blog/2017/08/28/racketeering-in-boston-probate/

OHIO COURTS ENFORCED FRAUD; RACKETEERING SAYS SUIT //www.stopprobatefraud.com/blog/2019/10/27/ohio-courts-enforced-fraud-racketeering-says-suit/

Probate Courts: Criminal racketeering sanctioned by government //ppjg.me/2011/02/20/probate-courts-criminal-racketeering-sanctioned-by-government/

Attorney: Elder “Protective Services” is a Racketeering Enterprise Medically Kidnapping Seniors //medicalkidnap.com/2018/07/17/attorney-elder-protective-services-is-a-racketeering-enterprise-medically-kidnapping-seniors/

“The amount of abuse is crazy. You’re going against a rigged system.”

OC Register: Money-draining probate system ‘like a plague on our senior citizens’

…. often there is a little buddy-buddy system going on, sometimes a judge has friends who are attorneys,” said Thomas Coleman, a Palm Springs lawyer who specializes in representing the disabled.”


Article excerpt” “In local courts across the country — often woefully unfit for the sweeping power they command — guardians, lawyers, and expert witnesses appear frequently before the same judges in an established network of overlapping financial and professional interests. They are often paid from the estate of the person whose freedom is on the line, creating powerful incentives to form guardianships and keep them in place.

“The judge knows the lawyers, the lawyers know each other,” said J. Ronald Denman, a former state prosecutor and Florida lawyer who has contested dozens of guardianships over the past decade. “The amount of abuse is crazy. You’re going against a rigged system.”

Organized Elder Exploitation Crime Rings Devastate Entire Counties.

The Guardians: Documentary Trailer

“If you’re retired, wealthy, and thinking of moving to Las Vegas, think twice. An investigative look at the systemic abuse of elderly people by court-appointed guardians.”

Denver 7: Colorado guardianships can bleed estates with little to no oversight | “It’s a money-making machine,” says one man.

Dr. Gina Loudon Newscast on Real America’s Voice: The Silent Epidemic Preying on America’s Elderly: Bernie Kerik & Rick Black fighting estate theft

The Probate Mafia Articles


Estate Planning & Intimidation with the Local County Probate Rackets.

//www.stopprobatefraud.com › blog › 2018 › 10 › 12 › rackets-are-courts-targeting-your-familyHave Probate Courts Become a Crime Syndicate? A Peek Via: The Economist. Originally Published: October, 2014. THE protection racket was one of the first businesses the Sicilian mafia entered into. Mafiosi have shaken down firms, large and small, on the island for over 150 years.

//scholarship.law.nd.edu › cgi › viewcontent.cgi?article=1222&context=ndlrSee, e.g., Peter Nicolas, Fighting the Probate Mafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. CAL. L. REv. 1479, 1482 (2001). Thus, in Marshall v. Marshall, 547 U.S. 293 (2006), the United States Supreme Court clarified that the “probate exception” only forbids federal courts from hearing issues2

The Probate Mafia www.probatemafia.com. Under the Color of Law Exists an Organized Crime Industry. Public Notice to the Texas Bar; What is the ProbateMafia? The Greatest Threat to National Security is the Corruption of Justice. We-Hold-These-Truths-To-Be-Self-Evident; Search. Search for: Close search.Public Notice to The Texas Bar – TheProbate Judge – Attorney Tamorah Christine Butts Texas State Bar No.

//fliphtml5.com › bmca › qvtj › basic › 51-70Check Pages 51 – 70 of FIGHTING THE PROBATEMAFIA: A DISSECTION OF THE PROBATE … in the flip PDF version. FIGHTING THE PROBATEMAFIA: A DISSECTION OF THE PROBATE … was published by on 2015-05-09. Find more similar flip PDFs like FIGHTING THE PROBATEMAFIA: A DISSECTION OF THE PROBATE …. Download FIGHTING THE PROBATEMAFIA: A DISSECTION OF THE PROBATE …

//www.researchgate.net › publication › 265758380_Fighting_the_probate_mafia_A_dissection_of_the_probate_exception_to_federal_court_jurisdictionGiardina v. Fontana, 733 F.2d 1047, 1053 (2d Cir. 1984). See also Caminiti, 962 F.2d at 703 (noting that where the probate court lacks jurisdiction over a particular claim as against a particular …

//ecf.ca8.uscourts.gov › opndir › 02 › 06 › 012898P-pdfNicolas, Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction , 74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1479, 1493-94 & n.70 (2001) (gathering and discussing cases). Other courts, including our own, have recognized that there might be instances when the probate exception applies in diversity actions involving

//www.justice.gov › sites › default › files › osg › briefs › 2005 › 01 › 01 › 2004-1544.mer.ami.pdfPeter Nicolas, Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1479 (2001) ….. 17 1, 8 1 John Norton Pomeroy, A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as Administered in the United States of America (5th ed. 1941) ….. 17 John F. Winkler, The Probate Jurisdiction of the

//elder-abuse-cyberray.blogspot.com › 2009 › 12 › washington-dc-probate-mafia.htmlWashington D.C. ProbateMafia; Reason for this Page. Studies estimate that 50% of elderly American are victims of financial exploitation while only 4% to 15% case are ever reported. Financial swindles are one of the fastest growing forms of abuse of the elderly according to NCEA.

//supreme.justia.com › cases › federal › us › 547 › 293See generally Nicolas, Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Jurisdiction, 74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1479 (2001).

www.citizen4justice.com The elderly, disabled, those with compromised health, significant legal claims and families of the newly deceased worth 200k+, are being hunted by an operation I call. The Las Vegas Probate Mafia

//scholarship.law.vanderbilt.edu › cgi › viewcontent.cgi?article=1240&context=vlrgenerally Peter Nicolas, Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. CAL. L. REV. 1479, 1503-14 (2001) (chronicling Chancery’s power over decedents’ trusts, fraud claims, suits seeking discovery, and the administration of estates to protect heirs, creditors, and legatees). 9.

//www.mafiauniverse.com › wiki › Probate_LawyerGeneral. The Probate Lawyer won’t actually receive the last wills. Since last will mechanics are unusual, the host must immediately contact any dead townies before posting the day start story if the setup isn’t open to prevent them from potentially talking with other dead players about the game. The deadline for submitting the last will will …

//www.kentlaw.iit.edu › sites › ck › files › public › academics › jd › 7cr › v2-1 › nagler.pdfFighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. CAL. L. REV. 1479, 1482-1483 (2001) (discussing various policy justifications for the probate exception). SEVENTH CIRCUIT REVIEW Volume 2, Issue 1 Fall 2006 63 question cases is less certain.4 Given that the …

//aaapg.net › why-probate-courts-consistently-fail-us-2019why probate courts consistently fail us For years I have written about the shortcomings in our equity legal system particularly in probate guardianship. Having just celebrated National Elder Abuse Awareness Week, this is a good time to recall what makes equity probate court and the guardianships it creates such an enormous disappointment and in …

//vdare.org › articles › michelle-malkin-blowing-the-lid-off-probate-predatorsMichelle Malkin: Blowing The Lid Off Probate Predators. There is a silent epidemic in this country claiming the lives and property of untold numbers of innocent elderly and disabled Americans. It has nothing to do with exotic viruses. In fact, it’s a homegrown phenomenon involving corrupt elected officials, judges and lawyers.

//h2o.law.harvard.edu › cases › 3320MARSHALL. v. MARSHALL. No. 04-1544. Supreme Court of United States. Argued February 28, 2006. Decided May 1, 2006. [298] Kent L. Richland argued the cause for petitioner. With him on the briefs were Dana Gardner Adelstein, Alan Diamond, Edward L. Xanders, and Philip W. Boesch, Jr.

//repository.law.umich.edu › cgi › viewcontent.cgi?article=1574&context=mlrMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception . to . Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. CAL. L. REv. 1479, 1500 & n.113 (2001). 17. Markham, 326 U.S. at 494 (“[A] federal court has no jurisdiction to probate a will or

//thenewamerican.com › blowing-the-lid-off-probate-predatorsThe allegation that Harris threatened Nina Simone’s family in the battle over her estate will be very familiar to other families who have faced similar intimidation 

//www.law.uw.edu › directory › faculty › nicolas-peterPeter Nicolas, Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1479-1547 (2001). Peter Nicolas, The Use of Preclusion Doctrine, Antisuit Injunctions, and Forum Non Conveniens Dismissals in Transnational Intellectual Property Litigation, 40 Va. J. Int’l L. 331-404 (1999).

//www.cnsnews.com › commentary › michelle-malkin › michelle-malkin-blowing-lid-probate-predatorsThe family’s plight is still not over. Zurko’s assets have been liquidated by the conservators, and Lacy is saddled with $250,000 in legal bills. The allegation that Harris threatened Nina Simone’s family in the battle over her estate will be very familiar to other families who have faced similar intimidation by the Probate Predator Mafia.

//www.pinalcentral.com › casa_grande_dispatch › area_news › mexican-mafia-hit-focus-of-pinal-trial › article_9cf37e21-9e7b-542b-9854-0f903705cee4.htmlThe state labeled Armenta a “probate” of the Mexican Mafia at the time the letters were written. Parra explained the hierarchy of power that exists within the gang: starting with a single leader, followed by captains, lieutenants, sergeants and regular members.

//aaapg.net › michelle-malkin-blowing-the-lid-off-probate-predatorsThe deadly disease running rampant in our court system is probate and guardianship abuse. This week, the granddaughter of the late iconic singer and songwriter Nina Simone blew the whistle on Vice President Kamala Harris’ alleged role in a scheme where the entertainer’s estate “was taken away from us” after she died in France in 2003.

files.constantcontact.com › 850d9fbc501 › 236a9c50-9fb6-4fb3-931f-d16cf4daab1d.pdf Fighting the ProbateMafia: A Dissection of the Probate Exception to Federal Court Jurisdiction, 74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1479, 1500 (2001). 2 Because issues of probate fell outside the jurisdiction of those courts (probate of wills and the administration of estates were left to England’s

//www.gopusa.com › estates-probate-nina-simone-and-kamala-harrisThe allegation that Harris threatened Nina Simone’s family in the battle over her estate will be very familiar to other families who have faced similar intimidation by the Probate Predator Mafia …


Data aggregation sources and leads: regional newspapers, VP Taskforce, AltrueSoft Tech Platforms, Citizen to Citizen Reporting, Citizen’s Bureau of Investigation, Northwest Journal News, Grassroots Elder Advocate Organizations, state & national GAO research monitoring & grant projects. Key search terms: § 18-1505, § 39-5302, Adult Protective Services, Dept. of Health, Elder Abuse and Exploitation. Aggregated & direct interviews via Citizen research and complaints focused on corruption, professional cronyism among state licensed service providers such as Estate Planning Attorneys, Doctors, Physicians, Clinicians & coordinated medical/neurocognitive/capacity evaluations, Conservator, Court Visitor, LSW, Guardian, Guardianship, Trustee, Management Services, IRPC, Idaho State Bar, CMS, Hospital, Facility Management, SEC, FINRA, Code of Federal Regulations,Tax Fraud, Wealth Management Services, Certified Financial Forensics & CPA Investigation manuals, Uniform Code and many more industry compliance guidelines . Supported by research from over site sources, Bureau of Occupational Licenses and all State Statutes relevant to Negligence, Exploitation & Abuse including Probate Court monitoring, Senate Hearing on “Toxic Conservatorships“, recent federal legislation, Acts of Congress, Elder Justice Act, Elder Abuse Guide For Law Enforcement (EAGLE), American Bar Association & American Psychologists Association Resources on & Elder Abuse & Vulnerable Person Legislation.

Courtesy of Spokane; Washington, Sandpoint & Coeur d’alene; Kootenai County, Idaho Elder Abuse Advocates & Grassroots Networks.

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