Another episode of This Week I Learn (TWIL).

This is an “aha” moment with Ashish Kumar during Agile Product Ownership class by ICAgile & Agile Visa (Training, Coaching & Consulting)

Product ownership must be focusing on 3 elements:

1. Business: customer, market, competition, etc

2. Organisation: ROI, cost per employee, growth, etc

3. Knowledge/people

I assume points 1 & 2 are already straightforward, aren’t they?. Then why there’s a point 3??

Maximizing the value of the product will lead to the increasing value of the company or organization, agree?. Then, is the product having the ability to doing self-improvement? of course no. Who can do it? the people behind it. The more knowledge they have, the more chance they can win the competition.

People tend to forget that improving people’s knowledge = increasing the asset of the organization. Increasing the asset of the organization can lead to the increasing value of the company and organization.

So, is your team still afraid to doing a re-write? or moving into the latest technology stack?, of course, we shouldn’t forget to calculate the “investment” (need to explore more about this).

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