
If you have gold or silver coins, gold jewelry, diamonds, or other valuable heirlooms in a bank safe deposit box, is it safe? Gold stackers and silver stackers might be shocked to learn how little federal oversight there is to the gray area of bank safe deposit boxes. If you are protecting your wealth for your retirement, wouldn’t you think that a bank’s vault would be a safe place to keep your valuables? When mistakes are made or items go missing, there is very little recourse to recoup your losses. Once you learn the weaknesses in the system, with today’s economic uncertainty might these problems be multiplied? As reported in the NY TIMES 7/19/2019 “Safe Deposit Boxes Aren’t Safe” DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor nor a security expert. There are pros and cons to any system where you could store your valuables. Please conduct your own research prior to choosing a storage system or making an investment in gold or silver. #GoldStacker #SilverStacking #ProtectingYourWealth

31 Replies to “Bank Safe Deposit Boxes Are Not Safe … Especially Now”

  1. Something doesn’t make sense with this story. If Wells Fargo mistakenly drilled box 105 why did the keys still match when this gentleman went to open it later?

  2. Humm.looks like THE BANK employees ARE used TO steel FROM people hoo EXPECT THERE property Will be safe THEN the BANK steels there property at any time with no reproductions

    1. It’s very uncool. Banks make ‘mistakes’, customer loses items, no one is held responsible.

  3. I just saw a story about a California Judge who signed a blanket order to seize 1000 safe deposit boxes. It didn’t get
    into how they manged to make this theft OK to do but just know that almost all US Bills that have circulated will have
    drug residue or substances on them whereas a asset seizure can be defended? These 1000 boxes took 5 full days
    to go thru them. The Bankers are criminals & it seems the Government wants to hurry to steal their share of the
    wealth of Americans ? It’s a sick/bent/twisted = F#@Ked UP world we live in……. peace to all

    1. It was a private vault company and not a bank vault. The government alleges that “some” of the box renters could have been hiding illegal cash —- but they seized ALL the boxes. Guilty until proven innocent.

    2. @Silver Heist ~ still one would think that a warrant ought to have a NAME on it ? I had a friend who was
      stopped in South Louisiana in the early 90’s & they took $3,000 from him. Said there was drug residue on
      some notes & it was considered drug money seizure. Sulphur Louisiana was notorious as one of the
      1st departments to do asset seizures. I do a small amount of metal but I’m not gonna use any boxes
      after these 2 stories. I’ll visit some of your videos, thanks

  4. Wow I have read from your damn phone “dislike” I’ll read the article myself somewhere else! Pathetic!!

  5. Another reason not to rent a safe deposit boxes are whenever the government wants it can go into them and seize the content for whatever reason they want to give

  6. Bro it would have been better to summarize the article instead of reading word for word. People dont have that kind of patience.

  7. The problem i see is the people they hire , i concern with the employees that have to escort you with their ”’Key ” to open your box some of them have hungry eyes especially if you go two or three times in two months ..i guess they get antsy to know what you have in your stash .

    1. amen to the op.

      It’s part of the process I detest.
      I also use another box at another bank just to decrease the frequency of my visits & , hopefully shrink my presence.
      I’ve purchased independent insurance but still…

  8. I would of liked a link to the article much better. Sorry but I read much faster. This video is much better at 2X speed.
    #1 Never ever trust a bank to keep your money or valuables
    #2 Store them in a safe place that only YOU know
    #3 Keep that secret to yourself

    * somewhere under the basement cement in a sealed metal box — good option

  9. It happened to me on Saturday, some one drill my box at case bank in walnut Creek California jewelry ,I don’t know where is my jwele

  10. Safety deposit boxes are a tax on the stupid. You would have to be really stupid to trust these Rothschild banks.

  11. That’s why I don’t trust Safe Deposit Boxes. The banks are scum, it’s bad enough I have to keep any money in them.

    I worked for a jeweler that used bank safe deposit boxes to keep his inventory, to save on insurance. There was no room to construct a proper “vault”, in house. He took out “renters insurance” on the safe deposit boxes, the policy for was cheaper than insuring the merchandise for some reason.

    But the bank was robbed, turned out a crooked bank employee was selling copies of the keys to her creepy boyfriend and his crew. They cleaned out the vault, and she was fired as well as jailed. The crew wasn’t caught, my boss was robbed but the renter’s insurance protected him. The bank did nothing to help.

    1. @Silver Heist thank you. Yeah banks have gotten worse over time. I left B of A for Wells Fargo because they suck slightly less.

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