can braces fix shark teeth

As children grow in their permanent teeth, they dissolve the roots of the baby teeth. Once the root is close to being dissolved, the baby tooth becomes loose. These loose teeth eventually fall out and the adult tooth grows in its place.

With shark teeth, the root of the baby tooth doesn’t dissolve quickly enough, or the permanent tooth forms behind the baby tooth. Most of the time the baby’s teeth will eventually become loose and fall out on their own. With this space now open, chances are great for the teeth to self-correct and move forward.

Should I Worry About My Child’s “Shark Teeth”?can braces fix shark teeth

can braces fix shark teeth
can braces fix shark teeth

Sometimes baby teeth are just so darn stubborn! Those sweet little teeth don’t want to move out of the way to make room for their permanent counterparts and your child winds up with what is often called “shark teeth”, a second row of permanent teeth behind the baby teeth.

The eruption of “shark teeth” really alarms parents. Most begin to worry about extraction as well as an early need for braces or other orthodontic devices. But there’s really not a lot to be concerned about. Shark teeth are more common than you might expect and usually not a huge problem to conquer.

What should I do?

If you or your child has spied some shark teeth peeking through, you’ve probably already picked up your phone and called your mom, a helpful friend, or maybe even your pediatric dentist (We hope it’s the latter!) to exclaim your fears and ask what to do.

But if you haven’t, it’s important to recognize that there’s likely no need to worry. This phenomenon happens to a lot of 5-7 year-olds, and in most cases, this situation resolves on its own and the explanation as to why it happens is simple to understand.

Known among dentists as “ectopic eruption”, the appearance of permanent teeth while the baby teeth are still in place occurs when those permanent teeth do not dissolve the roots of the baby teeth as they are coming up through the gums. As a result, the baby teeth might not get loose, or they do get loose but haven’t fallen out yet.

Shark teeth that need a little help,can braces fix shark teeth?

can braces fix shark teeth
can braces fix shark teeth

However, on some occasions, those tiny teeth just won’t get out of the way and your pediatric dentist may become concerned about that. A good rule of thumb and a sign for further action is when the permanent teeth have almost reached the same height as the baby teeth.

Extractions of baby teeth

Usually, it’s very easy for a dentist to remove the baby teeth that are impeding the complete eruption of the permanent teeth. Most often than not, they are already lose, which certainly makes the job easier for all involved.

“The permanent teeth are growing behind the baby teeth—is that normal??”can braces fix shark teeth

Yes. Very normal. People often refer to this common condition as “shark teeth,” because it looks like a double row of teeth. It is really a temporary situation caused by permanent teeth growing in at an inappropriate angle, a little further back or off to the side than they should be. As a result, they don’t “push out” the baby incisors they will be replacing, and the baby incisors take longer to fall out without the “help” of the permanent teeth. In some cases, the baby teeth do not get loose at all and your pediatric dentist needs to help out.

“I keep seeing kids get braces earlier and earlier. When should my child see an orthodontist?”

can braces fix shark teeth
can braces fix shark teeth

It is very common to see a child from 6-10 years of age in an early, less comprehensive phase of orthodontics, more commonly known as a “1st phase” of braces. Contrary to popular belief, it is not because orthodontists are trying to move baby teeth or make more money! There are many instances where early braces are necessary to make room for the first permanent teeth to grow in, due to a lack of space in the mouth. Another common condition that often requires early orthodontic intervention is a narrow palate. Palatal expansion is done more quickly and effectively around age 6 or 7, and is often necessary if the palate is so narrow that permanent teeth have no room to come in.can braces fix shark teeth?

Many children with narrow palates also have what is commonly referred to as a prominent “overbite,” where their front teeth “jut” out too far because there is no room for them to properly align within the narrowed arch. I usually recommend early orthodontics to fix this condition because these front teeth are prone to injury and sensitivity due to the poor positioning. These are just some of many examples that warrant early intervention.

My child fell and hit his mouth! Does his dentist need to see him immediately? Not always. It is important to get a good look at your child’s mouth first.

Knocked out permanent tooth. Timely re-insertion of the tooth is crucial to saving it. Hold the tooth by the crown, not the root, and if possible gently try to reinsert the tooth into its socket. Do NOT clean or scrub the tooth with soap first. If you cannot re-insert the tooth, put it in a cup of milk or saliva. Make sure the tooth is completely covered. See Lafayette Pediatric Dentistry immediately so that it can be re- implanted.

can braces fix shark teeth
can braces fix shark teeth

Other conditions you should definitely call us for but rarely require immediate action:
Broken or Bumped Baby Tooth/Busted Lip: Apply an ice pack to the lip to reduce swelling/bleeding. This will help you better visualize the injured area so that you can see if a tooth is loose or displaced.

What Orthodontic Issues Can’t Invisalign Fix?can braces fix shark teeth

Are you interested in straightening your teeth using Invisalign, but aren’t sure if it can solve your crooked or misaligned teeth? Here, we’ll explain what Invisalign is, how it works, and what orthodontic issues it can and can’t fix.

Invisalign is a straightening dental treatment that consists of a series of clear, plastic aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. These fit snugly over your teeth and are virtually invisible. Because they are also removable, you can take them out when you brush your teeth, eat, and even for special occasions like a job interview or a wedding. Invisalign is a great teeth straightening option for those who want a straighter smile but don’t want to wear metal braces. Invisalign is a great option for people who want to straighten their teeth while they continue on with their every day without feeling self-conscious.

How Does Invisalign Work?can braces fix shark teeth

can braces fix shark teeth
can braces fix shark teeth

For Invisalign treatment to work, you’ll need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day. During this time, the custom-made aligners will work to apply pressure on the area that needs fixing and move the teeth slowly into place. Depending on the plan you discuss with your dentist, you’ll change out aligners every 1 to 2 weeks so that the teeth straightening can progress. While Invisalign is not painful, you may feel a little pressure when you first put the new aligners in and they start to move your teeth.

What Orthodontic Issues Can Invisalign Fix?

There are a number of orthodontic issues that Invisalign can fix. Some of the most common include crooked teeth, overbites (where the upper teeth jut out in front of the bottom teeth), and underbites (where the bottom teeth jut out in front of the upper teeth). Invisalign can also close gaps in your teeth and straighten out crowded teeth that overlap and twist over each other. It can also fix a crossbite, which is when some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth rather than outside when the mouth is closed, and an open bite, which is when the upper and lower teeth don’t meet.

What Orthodontic Issues Can’t Invisalign Fix?

While there are many issues Invisalign can fix, there also some that it can’t. For example, if a crooked tooth needs to be rotated severely to be straightened, Invisalign may not be capable of doing that. Likewise, small gaps between teeth are fine for Invisalign, but if there are large gaps then Invisalign may not be up to that challenge. Invisalign is also not capable of raising or lowering the position of the tooth in the jawline or correcting a midline discrepancy that’s more than 2mm.

If you think you are a good candidate for Invisalign, give us a call to schedule a consultation!

. Once the root is close to being dissolved, the baby tooth becomes loose. These loose teeth eventually fall out and the adult tooth grows in its place.

With shark teeth, the root of the baby tooth doesn’t dissolve quickly enough, or the permanent tooth forms behind the baby tooth. Most of the time the baby’s teeth will eventually become loose and fall out on their own. With this space now open, chances are great for the teeth to self-correct and move forward.


However, on some occasions, those tiny teeth just won’t get out of the way and your pediatric dentist may become concerned about that. A good rule of thumb and a sign for further action is when the permanent teeth have almost reached the same height as the baby teeth.

Extractions of baby teeth

Usually, it’s very easy for a dentist to remove the baby teeth that are impeding the complete eruption of the permanent teeth. Most often than not, they are already lose, which certainly makes the job easier for all involved.


Other conditions you should definitely call us for but rarely require immediate action:
Broken or Bumped Baby Tooth/Busted Lip: Apply an ice pack to the lip to reduce swelling/bleeding. This will help you better visualize the injured area so that you can see if a tooth is loose or displaced.

If you think you are a good candidate for Invisalign, give us a call to schedule a consultation!

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