
The fashion choices of the 16th and 17th centuries differed drastically from those of centuries past. During the medieval period, outfits were chosen to keep the wearer slim; however, the fashion of the 16 and 17th centuries was all about making the wearer as big and rotund as possible. Bombast, usually made up of cotton, wool, horsehair, or even sawdust, was the material they used to achieve this bold look. #fashion #trends #weirdhistory

15 Replies to “Historical Fashion Trends That Seem Weird To Us Today”

  1. The flapper section is wrong, actually!

    Love your channel but corsets were not actually painful to wear nor did they necessarily pull in the waist! (unless they were too small or you purposely tight-laced them, which people rarely ever did) Corsets were actually just bras! They corrected your posture and gave your boobs support, literally every woman had one even if she was a working-class laborer. The style of the 1920s did come from not having to wear corsets, but that was mostly because WW1 prevented the manufacturing of corsets (steel and fabric needed to be used for the military instead) and so the fashions changed to suit not wearing one.

  2. I love the Flapper Look. So Cool and Feminine. I actually saw Henry the VIII’s armor that you showed. Yeah that codpiece was huge!!

  3. Hmm which fashion trend to try…?
    Seems like black teeth would cover a multitude of sins. Especially if it stops the Meth from rotting the rest of them!!

  4. Corsets are only painful when they’re cinched too tight (like enough to move organs or make a person faint x.x). They’re quite comfortable when cinched correctly.

    However, it also takes more time and effort to put on than, well, a flapper dress.

  5. The present generation thinks that their predecessor’s fashion is outdated…until their successor tells them that their own fashion’s outdated.

  6. That is not the only strange beauty habit of Japan. Right now they like croaked theeth and teeth bracelet for girls

  7. The pointy shoes have me dead cuz it was a trend in Mexico to wear long pointed shoes. They’d have to hold the ends to be able to dance lmao

  8. Why in the heck is it now ok to use “historical” instead of the proper “historic” ? Or “Democratic” Party instead of the heretofore name of “Democrat “Party. These terms water down the meaning of words or imply something different. Why has this changed in only 17 years? Idiocracy was indeed a documentary about the future. We are here.

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