
Do you enjoy stacking fractional gold? I’ve decided to start a new tube of 1/4 ounce gold coins! The tube I’m using to stack with is an Air-tite A22 tube along with the direct fit A22 capsules. I hope you enjoy watching this video and join me on future videos as I add to the 1/4 ounce gold tube over time! Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and as always, thank you so much for watching!- Silver Struck

33 Replies to “Starting A Tube Of 1/4 Ounce Gold Coins!”

  1. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.” -Dale Carnegie

  2. I only stack fractional, cause worse case scenario if the dollar tanks I may have to use it as money. I’d rather not hand 1oz of golds worth of wealth over to someone for some groceries. How would I accurately get change back? So Silver in full oz. Gold, Platinum, and Paladium in fractional. That’s my stacking strategy. Best case I don’t need to use them as currency during times of economic uncertainty, it’ll also make it easier to divide evenly amongst my children when I inevitably pass away.

    1. You have a sound plan my friend! The fractional gold has its place with peer to peer transactions, while the full ounce gold coins are better traded in at the LCS. I keep a number of both full ounce and fractional in my stack. Hopefully, we will not need to cash our gold in for food but you just never know.

    2. @Silver Struck I wish I could afford an ounce at a time. With the 2 kids and my lowly walmart wages it’s hard enough to scrounge enough for a 10th oz maybe one day.

  3. I love the fractional gold, but I prefer variety. I’m trying to fill my map with gold from around the world. Thanks for some inspiration from one stack-o-lector to another.

    1. I think it’s great that you are collecting gold from all over the world! Pretty sure I have seen some of our videos on that topic. Mixing collecting with stacking keeps things interesting!

  4. After saying I’d never go below 1 oz gold, I finally picked my first fractional gold coin. It was the 2021 Iberian Lynx. And I like it! I may never go all out on fractional gold, but because of your video, I’m definitely starting to see the appeal. I’m looking forward to see your progress through the new tube!

    1. Congratulations on that Lynx coin! That one is on my radar to pick up as well. When I started stacking gold, I was the same way- only full ounce. Fractional gold is great for peer to peer transactions and the premium you pay is normally recovered in the secondary market. So, stacking fractional is a different mind set. I still stack both ways- frac and full ounce.

    1. Awesome! Stacking fractional gold in tubes is certainly a lot of fun. I’ve been hesitant to start a new stacking challenge because of the premiums and available supply. Collecting the Tudors with help I think.

    1. Yes, the diameter is very small as compared to the full ounce coins for sure! I ‘m looking forward to building another fractional tube along with the full ounce gold. As long as gold stays low, it will be easier for all of us to accumulate.

  5. I also like to get different gold pieces. Off the top of my head I’d like to get a 1/4 krugerand. Not even sure if they make them, I’d assume so.
    Beautiful Noah’s arc.
    1/4 is my favorite. It’s a good price point at a very small size.

    1. Oh yeah, you can get a 1/4 ounce Krugerrand! Classic bullion coin of course- the original. Looking forward to stacking this tube! It’s been a little while since I have set a goal with gold stacking.

  6. Nice tube goal my friend. I love gold Britanniais and think I would go that route as well. I look forward to watching your progress.

    1. I was hoping that gold would stay lower but right after I did this video gold shot up 100 bucks, lol! I’m taking this stacking goal slow and steady my friend πŸ‘

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