
Just as Elon Musk is no ordinary inventor and businessman, he is also no ordinary parent. He takes the education of children very seriously. In fact, he completely hates how our education system is designed. In an interview with a Chinese television network, Elon Musk explained why he removed his children from a prestigious private school in Los Angeles “Regular schools weren’t doing the things that I thought should be done.” Musk was critical of the conventional education system. According to him, teachers were not doing a good job explaining to young kids why a particular subject was essential and what its applications were. In his words, ‘They are taught a mathematical formula without explaining why that formula is important.’ In typical Elon fashion, he took it upon himself to fix the problem. And started Ad Astra, a new type of school for his children. This is where Elon Musk’s Kids and Kids of other Tesla and SpaceX employees got education for a while. #spacex #elonmusk #tesla

17 Replies to “Why Elon Musk Hates our Education System”

  1. Fun fact maybe a fact I’m not sure but there’s an anime called Astra Lost in space and the name of a spaceship in that anime is called astra kids go to a planet like a camping trip and get stranded and have to use what they have to get back home.

  2. It’s not the teacher’s fault to explain why we have to learn certain things. They have to teach it without practical explanation either. It’s the designed system’s fault, the curriculum

  3. The reason why most teachers don’t explain things more clearly is because the class wouldn’t bother listening. Additionally, clarifying things to people who don’t give two craps about what they are learning would be a waste of time for everyone envolved

  4. I (tutor) totally agree with elon musk, my students were always confused with physics topics. Hence I tend to explain the applications of each topics with day to day events, as such my students were able to understand physics topics easier.

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