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27 Replies to “Education in Morocco: Where do we start?”

  1. Yeah english must be our second language because a lot people don’t like french.
    Imagine study french for 10 years and still can’t speak French good . I’m not talking about me im talking about other people and my friends

    1. That’s me right there. I honestly do like that we teach french too but it should be done correctly, not forced. And English should be given more importance too

  2. Went to school for my whole life in morroco.Its a terrible school system.Nothing is about the student.Its all about learning learning learning.My kids now study in a German international school and its a lot better etc.

  3. يجب أن تكون اللغة الثانية للبلاد هي الإنجليزية بدل الفرنسية …
    ترسيخ اللغة العربية و الأمازيغية بشكل قوي على الأقل في التعليم الإبتدائي و الإعدادي لأنهم هم الأصل …
    بخصوص المواد العلمية يجب أن يكون التطبيقي أكثر من النظري (فمثلا نحن ندرس الكثير من الأشياء نظريا ولا نعرف أين تستعمل عمليا ) و من جهة أخرى العملي يبقى راسخ في الذاكرة بقوة أكثر من النظري ….
    بالنسبة لمادة التاريخ أعتبرها شيء مهم و ركيزة لستمرار حضارة البلد للأجيال القادمة…(فمثلا بدل أن ندرس عن أمجاد أقدم مملكة في التاريخ بعد اليابان يعني المملكة المغربية …ندرس عن تاريخ الغرب!!! و المشكلة في الباكلوريا يعني واحدة من أهم سنين الدراسة !!!!) …
    ملاحظة : هذا رأي الشخصي لا غير
    تحياتي من مغربي غيور على بلاده 🇲🇦🙋‍♂️

    1. I agree. I wish our own language was used and involved more, amazigh too. Recently they’ve even made french mandatory for middle school.

  4. The educational system in Morocco can be fixed. But the system doesn’t want that to happen, because education means awareness and awareness shall lead to other things that would not please France and its devout Moroccan sons.

    1. You really shouldn’t believe those kinds of conspiracy theories because they lead nowhere, the best thing to do is to propose plans for the government and elect politicians who are willing and able to reform education in Morocco

    2. @GymRat Well, my comment has nothing to do with conspiracy theory. I really don’t know how you came to conclude that!!

    3. @Red Pill Maghribi he might be French and when you mentioned his country he couldn’t stop himself from replying to what you said

    4. Whenever people start mastering a language and use it to understand things we have to switch to another language and hence ant master any and never learn things better.

  5. First of all english shoudl be our second language cus france is only usfull in france and Algeria and you may say but french is used on uk and jobs wont accept you cus you can’t even probably use yiur second language probaly (also the government is making french more of the first language) well if we weren’t studying with frenchwe won’t have any problems with that and for the people that will say pepole in Morocco finde english harder well i can just say no they dont cus loke i have been learning french since kindergarden and i can’t hand a conversation with french for more than 5 minutes while for english i learned all the basics to have conversations for HOURS only from games and movies and other stuf and when i started learning english ( am still in 8th grade and we dont start english till 9th grade so i study english in a privat school ) i wasn’t allowed to speak arabic since the first class and here i am its been one year i have advanced a lot and not only i can handle conversations in english for hours i cam literally think in it even in arabic teste i will probably be thinking in english i haven’t thought about a word in arabic since i started writing this comment and its been only one year since i started learning english and even for other peapol that i know and have started like a month ago could take a conversation in english longer than french and also even when we are learning french i may be taking good notes but i still hate french and can’t talk with it wich just sucks so yeah. ( sorry for the typos am tired and its midnight and i have been at school all day so sorry again)

  6. تحليل سطحي متعمد او ساذج. التعليم مدمر و مفبرك منذ عهد المقيم العام ليوطي و داخل في السياسة الاستعمارية لاستحمار الشعب

  7. I believe that the issue is not the language we study with the problem is way bigger than just that but I also strongly agree to stop teaching our young generations French it’s not just about education it is about communication and how to be able to talk and speak with people from all around the world lemme ask a quick question if you just moved out to Japan but you got lost on the airport then you saw a Japanese guy walking near you would you go ask him for directions on English or French?
    I think I’ve made my point very clear thx for reading my sh*it
    All what i can do is to pray that one day things will get better

  8. الامازيغية والعربية ثم الانجليزية. لا مستثمر ولا هم يحزنون

  9. il faut augmenter les autres investissments soit national où internationale pour forcer tout à etre la langue de travail juste l’anglais comment ça ? le marche de travail il vas etre diversifies il faut absolument utiliser la langue international (l’anglais) et pour ça on va gagner notre Etucation le plus si possible

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