how to fix high canine teeth without braces

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

question is I’ve had my braces for four years due to an impacted canine and cross bite. how to fix high canine teeth without braces? Should this be taking so long I feel like her plan is not effective due to my teeth still having a major cross bite and no tooth has shown yet?how to fix high canine teeth without braces

how to fix high canine teeth without braces
how to fix high canine teeth without braces


Any treatment with even severe malocclusions ideally should not take this long. The correction of an impacted tooth might take a bit longer time depending on various factors like the age of the person, the position of the canine within the bone, the space available for the canine in the arch, proper bonding of a bracket to the impacted crown during the surgery. But a crossbite should be corrected much earlier following the overtime correction.

Orthodontic treatment requires, many appointments with the doctor at specific intervals, as tooth movements needs to be done gradually. Hence requires good cooperation from the patient. So no matter how good your orthodontist is in his or her treatment, if the patient is not motivated and cooperative for the treatment, the treatment is going to fail.

So before judging a doctor on his/her credentials, I would recommend a self introspection as to why the treatment is taking this long without a positive prognosis

How long does it take for braces to pull down your top canines?


If you have enough space you should not need appliances to pull down your top canines. They turn as they descend. If you have a narrow palate then they can look like this:

Traditional orthodontic treatment will often involve the extraction of premolars to make space, but this is not necessary if the dental arch is expanded and brought forward using an appliance.
how to fix high canine teeth without braces


Should canine teeth be removed (or the first option to be removed) as part of giving space for braces to align your teeth?


Canines should all but never be extracted for orthodontic reasons. They are the foundation of the dentition.

There would have to be a compelling argument for it and I can’t think of one other than if the patient had a syndrome or developmental anomalies.

As an orthodontist, I would usually have to put braces on all of the upper teeth to properly do the job.I assume that it is an upper canine. As to the time involved, it would depend on the position of the impacted tooth. Sometimes it would take 3to 6 months, other times it would take 2 years. Occasionally, it proves resistant to repositioning, and it cannot be pulled into place at all.

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

The only way to position your impacted canine(s) is with orthodontic braces.

If you’d only place braces in the upper, only your upper teeth, including the canine(s), would be aligned.

As a result, your upper teeth would not match and fit with your lower.

When your upper teeth don’t fit your lower ones, this fact could cause you many possible problems with biting, chewing, and even speech.

Therefore, any orthodontic treatment with braces involves upper and lower braces placement.

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

How can I know if my impacted canine tooth is moving with the chain?

Bringing an impacted canine into a normal position requires great patience. Picture the two extremes; too slow and the tooth never moves, too fast and you basically are extracting it. It needs to be moved slow enough that new bone forms around it as it moves. I uncovered a lot of impacted canines (and was overwhelmingly my least favorite thing to do especially if it was on the palate side) and never saw a case where orthodontist could not successfully bring it into normal position. Just be patient.

It depends on how your canine is impacted – the position, severity of the impaction, whether there is space for the canine to be brought down. Sometimes it can be done with partial braces and Invisalign combination, with or without help of extra anchorage device (mini implants). Best thing would be to get a consultation with an orthodontist and find out your options. Good luck!

Can you have dental braces without removing permanent adult teeth?


It all depends on what the reason is for your malocclusion. I had braces as an adult and my crowding issue was remedied without extractions.

Only your orthodontist can tell you what the treatment plan will be to correct your malocclusion and it may or may not require extractions.

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

Can I have my canine teeth pulled down without braces at home?


Not really. You need an orthodontist for that. This is considered one of the more challenging conditions in orthodontics. Definitely not for do- it-yourself.

I have 2 impacted adult teeth (canine and molar), at 13. Would braces fix it?


Potentially yes. We commonly deal with impacted teeth, especially the canine and have very good success at bringing those teeth into position. This is very beneficial in the long term and I would do it if I could. Some canines are in a poor position and can be “stuck” so it doesn’t always work, but is very successful on average. The molar is a little tougher. In my experience, the success of bringing a molar into position is less. I have done it but have had several instances where it was unsuccessful. Depending on the individual case, I would certainly give it a try.

Can I have a brace on my lower teeth if I had an impacted lower canine and the impacted canine teeth couldn’t be fixed with a brace and it’s pulled out (which means I don’t have 1 lower permanent canine teeth)?

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

Yes you can wear braces depending on your Orthodontist to handle your problem. He can make use of your premolar in place of your extracted canine to balance your dentition and still maintain the midline.

A competent Orthodontist has always a solution to every existing problem due to your malocclusion.

Be open with your Orthodontist. Ask question regarding your concern. Ask the outcome of your treatment . You are paying him and he must assure you of the goal that is desireable. In your part you must maintain good oral hygiene, and report for your appointment, obey the limits and avoid what is prohibited.

Is it safe to get my teeth pulled for braces? What are the cons?


For certain orthodontic cases, tooth extraction is necessary to achieve the best results, with straight teeth and a healthy smile.

Pulling teeth is only done if absolutely necessary: your orthodontist will consider all options to achieve a healthy smile before recommending an extraction. For those with extra teeth or too much crowding to fit all the teeth, extraction is an extremely safe and effective way to help align the teeth properly.

Getting teeth extracted can make people nervous. With careful supervision from an experienced orthodontist, and an expert extraction procedure.

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

Why do we have canine teeth?


Like all of our traits, we got them from our parents. They got theirs from their parents.

It’s not turtles all the way down, though. The egg certainly precedes the chicken.

BTW there’s nothing “canine” about canine teeth. We didn’t get them from dogs any more than we got molars from moles. Felines have canine teeth too. It’s just the big pointy ones on the sides for gripping live prey. We used to do a lot more of that back in the day when our grandparents were what we call primates. (We’re still primates… Oh well, you’ll probably get my point, I’m leaving it in.)

Are there any braces that extend and pronounce canine teeth?

how to fix high canine teeth without braces

That sounds like kind of a cool idea! Use the braces to make your canines look more like fangs? All the orthodontist or dentist would need to do is place the brackets up a little higher towards the gums so as the wire straightens all the brackets into line with each other, the canines will look longer.

The downside to that would be that, as you chew, you’ll be bonking into those canines a lot more. Canines are helpful for guiding your teeth into place, like little slides that direct your other teeth to match up as you close fully. But we didn’t evolve or weren’t designed to have long canines

Can teeth be moved without braces?


Yes, you can “move” your teeth by doing mewing since early age to prevent malocclusion. The tongue can be “natural braces” for the teeth.

Can I have a brace on my lower teeth if I had an impacted lower canine and the impacted canine teeth couldn’t be fixed with a brace and it’s pulled out (which means I don’t have 1 lower permanent canine teeth)?


Yes you can wear braces depending on your Orthodontist to handle your problem. He can make use of your premolar in place of your extracted canine to balance your dentition and still maintain the midline.

A competent Orthodontist has always a solution to every existing problem due to your malocclusion.

Be open with your Orthodontist. Ask question regarding your concern. Ask the outcome of your treatment . You are paying him and he must assure you of the goal that is desireable. In your part you must maintain good oral hygiene, and report for your appointment, obey the limits.

Is it normal to have sharp canine teeth, and why do some humans have canine teeth?

All humans have canine teeth unless they are congenitally missing. Very sharp and pointy canine teeth are not the norm but within the range of normal from dull to sharp.









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